Over the weekend while caring for my sick wife, I kept hearing a scurring in the attic. Thinking at first it was the wind, I didn't pay it much attention, but as Saturday night wore on it became apparant that it was, in fact, a scurry. And it was occurring right above the kitchen.
So, the next day, I went to Wal-Mart to get some mouse traps. First of all, they put these in the grocery part, and not in the pesticides as one would imagine, but that is a different story. So after hiking back across Wal-Mart (stopping first to ride the carousel and having a picnic by the lake, seriously these Wal-Marts are just getting too big) I found them.
Upon arrival home, let me just say, it's much harder to set a mouse trap than I imagined. Good thing I have that college diploma, cause I cerainly needed it. Second thing to note as it was now New Year's Eve, so I have some tips for you for when setting mouse traps in the attic:
1) Don't do it while the neighbors are setting off fireworks right above your house
2) Leave your Blackberry (set to vibrate) downstairs
These thing may seem obvious, but I assure, I didn't even realize there were fireworks going off until I was up there. And when one is being very cautious and on the lookout for a mouse (I named him Baxter), one doesn't want something that could feel like a mouse running up one's leg vibrating away in one's pocket if you know what I mean.
Traps set: 4, Trips to ER: 0. That's a win so far in my book.
Now, we wait...