With the close of another successful Black History Month, I thought I would update and post my "I Have a Dream" rant about my dream for the sports world. I originally wrote this about 5 years ago, but most of it still applies.
Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to Dr King by this, I have the utmost respect for MLK and his life and work.
I have a dream. A dream that someday our sports world will morph into the utopia we all hope for. A dream that drug offenders in sports do get a second chance, but no longer get a SEVENTH chance. A dream that a law is one day passed that makes doing the "raise the roof" sign or the "wave" at the very least a misdemeanor. I have a dream that one day, the fans of the visiting team will show respect to fans of the home team, even if it its your rival. Even if you are blowing them out. Even if they don't respect you back. But believe me, they will. No one likes the jerk who stands admist the sea of fans of the home team and taunts the fans around him. Don't be that guy. It makes you, your team, and the REAL fans of the team look bad.
I have a dream that the WNBA finally hangs up its cleats and the NBA quits shoving it down our throats as if we cared about it. I have a dream that one day, athletes will realize that they are getting paid millions of dollars to play a game and quit thinking we owe them something. Rough background or not, sports fans don't owe you anything. We are the reason you are making that money. Take the opportunity you've been given and do something about it.
A dream that every half hour of sports television is as entertaining as Bill Parcells' or Bobby Knights' weekly press conference. A dream that the "naming rights"craze finally ends and stadiums again take on a name with real value and that we no longer have names with corporate sponsorship.
A dream that women's soccer finally gets the respect it deverses and becomes the one sport whose athletes are respectable.
A dream that defensive players only mug for the camera after a big hit when (a) the player they hit has NOT picked up a first down and (b) their team is winning. And if you do celebate after you tackled a guy who just made a first down, tack on another 15. And no celebrating first downs either unless you are ahead in the game. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a guy signal 1st down after a catch or big run, only his team is down by 30 and its against the second team defense. What? I'm supposed to respect you for that? Am I supposed to be impressed? I'm not, I'm laughing at you for being a joke.
I have a dream that we have a big bonfire to burn all of the baggy shorts, "move the clock forward" uniforms, knickerbockers, headbands, Nike logo products, and NFL Europe jerseys.
Ok, I believe this is the part of my dream that hell begins to freeze over. Yes indeed, I do have a dream. But then again, who am I? Just some random guy who sits back with a 6 pack of The Dew and memorizes ESPN.com while waiting on the next game to start. Who am I? I am a sports fan. And this is my dream.
What's yours?