Overall, I enjoyed the Museum. There were a lot of dinosaur displays. However, they were sold out of the planetarium tickets for the day so we didn't get to see that. Plus, there was a record high crowd and we had to wait over an hour to get into the museum and about 45 minutes to get into the theatre. I will definitely be going back. I've heard the planterium is the best thing there so I regret not seeing it. Plus, it was so crowded, I skipped several displays and skimmed others so I don't feel that I got the full experience.
One of my biggest disappointments was that they weren't prepared for a crowd. I don't really blame them for this. It's only 2 months old, I'm confident their logistics will get better. I want to wait several months to go back so that they can get all the initial kinks, logistics and crowd control issues worked out. Also, to another degree, it was almost too family friendly. It seems like they backed off on some of the science parts to make it appeal to a larger audience. Over time, I'd like to see them expand more on some of the science aspects and delve deeper into that. But that's me, and I'm a geek. I'm sure they wouldn't sell as many tickets that way, which is probably why they have a huge creation science bookstore at the end of it. So I guess I don't have many complaints afterall. They still acheive their main purpose well, which is to cast considerable doubt on the theory of evolution and teach people that you can believe in both science and creation. That science and creation don't have to conflict with one another. To me, that is the most important point. As long as they can always get that point across to people, I'll be happy.
Well worth the price of admission and trip to the 'Nati.