Saturday, August 11, 2007
Season Tickets
One of the best days of the year happened last night. When we got home, there was a large envelope in the mail from the Clemson Athletic Department. That's right, the season tickets had arrived. It's like Christmas in August. There are few feelings like opening up that envelope and pulling out a sheet of fresh tickets to see your favorite team. The initial seconds are spent looking over the new years ticket designs. Then, the hope of a new season. You haven't lost a single game yet. There's still hope. This could be the year. Even if you know deep down it isn't, the season is still fresh, it's new, everyone still has a chance. You can hear the crowd, smell that distinctive tailgate smell as you walk through the parking lots, you see your star player sprinting to the end zone untouched in your mind's eye. Holding those tickets for the first time, hope springs eternal and the realization hits you that football season is once again at hand. Oh, wonderous day. Go Tigers!!!