-Austin is now officially on the DL. We think he'll be able to rejoin the lineup soon, but for now, just has an injured paw and we've scheduled a trip to the vet. He doesn't know that part though, so try to keep that quiet.
-Baxter is back, and he brought friends. Yes, our mouse friend is back once again in the garage and Saturday I saw another one outside. Slightly darker in color, much more rotund than Baxter. Apparantly Baxter is also resilient. He has already eaten an entire container of D-CON mouse poison and chewed all to pieces the sticker and labelling off of the live trap I bought. He's pretty smart for a mouse.
-Our Charlotte office is having problems. Last week, the building flooded. This week, it caught on fire. We are taking bets on what's next, locusts or water turning to blood. My money is on the locusts.
-Jeni and I are currently planning our trip to Colorado Springs, CO that is coming up quickly, anyone have any suggestions of places to eat or things to do?
-I have no idea what I want for my birthday that is quicly approaching as well.