Jeni's car is, from now on, to be referred to as "Kitt". That's right, the famed car that saved David Hasselhoff on countless occasions now has a Saturn brethren. The reason for this, we got a warning while we were on vacation for parking the car in the grass while we were gone. The thing is, the car was in the driveway when we left and it was in the driveway when we got back. Since Jeni and I have the only keys, the only explanation is that it moved itself while we were gone, Kitt-style.
My contention is that since this probably didn't really happen, the HOA manager should revoke the warning. Correct? Afterall, if I call up and explain politely that we were out of town and that the car was in the driveway the whole time and it is impossible for it to have moved, a sensible person would have negated the warning. Not our HOA. So, I called up there, laid out my case and said "Therefore, I think you need to reverse the warning."
After some debate, I asked her, "So you're telling me, that this car moved into the grass by itself temporarily so that you could give us a warning and then moved itself back?" Her response, "Yes". My response, "Well, that's a miracle". Her response, "Yes, sir, it is." This infuriated me.
In the end, she hung up on me, but not before reminding me that I had no case and that legally, it's my word against hers and that hers is worth more than mine.
First of all, I'm not sure why her word is worth more than mine. Secondly, I don't think its just her word against mine. I have travel receipts that say we were out of state, I have several eye witnesses as to where the car was parked, and the car can be inspected to show that it doesn't have a kitt computer in it.
However, it's just a warning, so there are no charges to dispute in claims court. The thing that makes me mad is that we get one free warning and the next one costs us. So, our freebie is an absurd, fabricated lie that I can't dispute, and if we have guests over or for any reason I have to move the car into the grass or street temporarily and she comes by, she can fine us.
I just don't understand why every dealing with her ends in an argument, even our annual meetings. In any "conversation" with her, she is instantly on the defensive. Has been since about 15 minutes into our first HOA meeting involving her.
Honestly, I can't imagine a worse HOA experience that what we've had and its unbelievable how impolite and spiteful she can be and keep her job.
She so spiteful and malevolent, we can't do anything to her or she'll just start giving us tic tac fines for our mailbox being too faded or confuse one our shrubs for a weed and fine us for having weeds. Realistically, since her word is final and not debatable, she could sabotage our house and then fine us for "changing the appearance".
We gotta move.