Ron Cherry is the worst ref in the ACC. I swear he thinks we bought a ticket to see him throw a yellow flag. The calls he makes are terrible. Absolutely terrible. Whenever you see him on the sidelines, you know there will be at least 3-4 abysmal calls that will make an impact on the game. I know, I know, if you are better team, you should be able to win without all the calls going you way, there are probably other opportunities you missed. But that doesn't stop the fact that I dread seeing him on the sidelines of our games.
That said, here is a great example of a call he made during the recent NC State/Maryland game last weekend. He called a personal foul for one player "giving him the business". By him, he means the other player. Um, is that in the rule book? I didn't think that it specifically said that you couldn't "give someone the business". Watch it all here: