Ok, so, the fact that I have a blog and in theory, a blog audience, completely slipped my mind for the last 2-3 weeks. I had a horrible month at work, spent a good bit of time studying for and then taking the GMAT exam to try and get into grad school and pursue my MBA (thankfully, I think I got a good enough score), taking care of my sick wife and then subsequent sick self, and countless other distractions. All that to say, I'm back. Also, I'm pleased to announce the addition of a guest blogger. She may already be familiar to a couple of you and she's been mentioned in previous posts. That's right, its Jeni, my wife. She'll now have the ability to post as well, and I believe she is especially interested in posting movie, music, and book reviews, as well as other musings. Opinions from the other side of the household, so to speak. Behold the beauty of the Internet, everyone gets to have their voice heard, err, read.
I'll try not to let her out blog me too badly.