Friday, June 29, 2007


As I was driving by the fireworks shack near my house this morning, I couldn't help but think about my experience there last 4th of July. I'm sure you all know how most firework shacks and stores have big signs out front and inside that proclaim "No Smoking". Well, not this one. It's just a small metal building. And as I entered, I didn't even notice the lack of signs. The front desk clerk was smoking a cigarette the whole time. Smoking is bad enough for you as it is, much less smoking in a room full of explosives and fuses. Any health risks associated with smoking just became a little more meaningless. I'd say you are more likely to drop a few burning embers onto a fuse and blow up than to contract lung cancer in this situation. I mean, you have to smoke for years to get lung cancer, and I'm not sure that you could smoke multiple times every day for years in a firework store without some type of 'incident'. That's like walking across the Grand Canyon every day on a tight rope. You would get good at it and soon it would be second nature, but one day, one day you are going to make a mistake. Just one mistake, and kablooie.
I guess they think that if something happens, he'd just run out. I got news for him, I don't think there be time.
Anyway, hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July and remember, nothing says "God Bless America" like shooting stuff into the air and blowing stuff up.