Ok, I've discovered something I thought I should share with everyone. When you go into a hotel and ask for the rate, they respond with a number. That begins a negotiation.
Until recently, I thought that number was static, that it couldn't be haggled down. Now, I'm getting single occupant discounts, military discount, and the AAA discount all rolled into one. It may not sound like much, but over Christmas, I held my ground and talked her down $10. On my most recent trip to Louisville, I convinced him I'd stay elsewhere over paying for his extra fees for double occupany. So, he waived that $6. I've saved $16 in just two stays. Now, I'm kicking myself wondering how much I could have saved over the years.
Of course, the later into the night you book (past 11 pm, they figure they its better to sell at a lower price than have the room sit empty) the better and if you have a manager around, then you are set.
I don't think this will work if you book well in advance, but you might get a few bucks off. But next time you are travelling and need to stop somewhere for the night, remember, haggle, haggle, haggle.