Check out this story on CNN, this girl won an text message competition by texting "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" in 15 seconds. I'm not sure how in the world she did that. It took me 45 seconds to type it on a keyboard and I consider myself to be a pretty quick typer. She won $25,000, which she said she's going clothes shopping with. I'm thinking $5000 to Abercrombie, $5000 to Hollister, $5000 to Gap, and where ever else kids shop these days.
Later in the article, it says she sends 8,000+ texts a month!! How? How in the world does she send that many text messages!?!? I did the math for you, that 267/day or about 11 every hour. So, I guess it's possible. But, I figure she's in school 6 hrs/day, sleeps 8 hours/day, so that only leaves 10 hours for texting. Now, you are up to 27 texts/hour, plus she has to text 27 times EVERY waking hour that she's not in school or sleeping, every day. Is she just that popular? What does she have to talk about. I can't even talk that much, much less write out that much every month. Seriously, I can't think of that much to say to that many people that often. Kids these days.