The Linux community is trying to raise enough money to sponsor an Indy car with Chastain Motorsports in this years Indy 500. From their website:
"Our goal is simple: we want to collect community donations to enter a Linux sponsored car in the 2007 Indianapolis 500. We need your help!"
I think this is a great idea and think it would be really neat to see all the Linux distros unite to sponsor a car and help generate some interest in the OS. Check out their website at
Some interesting tidbits I found on the website.
-If less than 1% of the Linux community donates $1, they could generate the money they needed.
-Indy car fans are 214% more likely than the the general U.S. population in the adaptation of new technology
-Indy car fans are 289% more likely than the the general U.S. Population to try a new brand based on the brand's participation in the Indy Car Series
If this works, then they do plan on trying to get sponsorship in other events as well, but this would be an awesome start. I already threw my $5 in, I challenge all my other nerd/dork/geek friends out there to at least match that.