Today is Derby Day. The day to sit on the couch for 10 hours and watch horse racing. Place a few bets on the ponies and sip mint juleps. However, this year, I will not be able to do that. Why? Because I have a wedding to go to. It could be worse, there are plenty of other sporting events I'd be more ticked if I had to miss, but it got me thinking. What days of the year should no one get married? Before I get to that though, let me say that I am not against marriage, I'm absolutely for it. However, I just think you should keep your guests in mind as well. Therefore, my list is:
-Super Bowl Sunday (if you do this, you are basically say you don't care about the thoughts of 75 million people, it's all about you) and all NFL Playoff weekends
-Any weekend during March Madness.
-Kentucky Derby day (first Saturday in May)
-Any football Saturday (esp. home games of your alma mater - they should revoke diplomas for this at BCS schools) if you know that you or several of your friends (possibly even your future spouse) would rather be there than at your wedding. I mean, do you really want the thoughts of everyone to be somewhere else? Do you want people to regret and bemoan having to come to your wedding instead of the game? I think this is one of the primary reason guys don't like weddings, no one takes this stuff into account. Once you have to miss one big game for wedding, you dread the next 5. More if you any of those 5 involving missing a game. That's my theory.
-Masters weekend
Is that too much to ask? It's like 12-15 Saturdays a year, that's it. We don't ask for much.
Leave a comment, I'd be curious to know which days are off limits to my readers.