Jeni and I have been practically bent over in stomach pain for almost 24 hours now. It has been a sad state of affairs in the Townsend Mansion lately. We both have felt like we were just punched in the stomach since about 2 hours after dinner last night.
We can't really even figure out what went wrong. Only thing we had was ranch crusted chicken and mashed potatoes. The chicken didn't sit out long, the ranch dressing didn't sit out long, and the corn flakes were a bit old, but I don't think corn flakes can do this to someone. Jeni thinks its because she thought about having ice cream and her stomach rebelled at the very thought of it. My guess is that we were out of milk and I had to improvise on the mashed potatoes. I substituted heavy whipping cream and watered it down a bit (at the advice of Jeni, mind you, I would not have come up with this on my own). In hindsight, I'm thinking each of us having ~1/4 cup of cooked cream was not the best thing we could do for ourselves.
I write this to warn all of you. Heavy whipping cream is NOT a substitute for milk. I won't be trying that one again, that is for sure. Trust me on this one, I haven't felt this bad since the last time I was quoted as saying "3 weeks isn't that far past the expiration date, is it?"