Albert Einstein once predicted that when bees disappear, humans will only be a few years behind. It makes sense when you think about it. Bees pollinate about 130,000 types of vegetation. Without vegetation, animals have nothing to eat, which in turns leads us to having nothing to eat.
Why do I bring this up? Because I just read an article about bees. Did you know bee population is at an all time low? There's this thing called Colony Collapse Disorder than is killing off a massive amount of bees. The drop in bee population hasn't been this bad since 1896 when they started keeping track. Why we were keeping track of bee population in 1896? Previous documented population drops have been large, but none as global the most recent decline over the last 7-10 years. Anyway, you are probably wondering to yourself right now, why am I reading about bees and is Phil off his rocker again? Why is he writing about bees?!?
Two things I found interesting about this.
The first is that the cause is unknown. But, some scientists are hoping that instead of some other factors, that the cause is a disease. Why? Because researchers at Vita (world's leading bee health company [yes, you read that right, bee health companies exist]) are confident that if its a disease they can cure it. Seriously? Maybe we need to get these guys researching cancer. What makes them so confident that just because its a disease that we can cure it? I'm just as nervous its a disease we can't cure as anything else. We can't cure all human diseases, what makes us thing we can cure all bee diseases?
The second is that one possible cause is cell phone radiation. There is big push in our culture right now to be 'green'. But right now, it isn't really costing us anything to do so. What if we all had to give up cell phones to save bees? Would we? How would we explain that one to future generations? "Oh, we used to be able to call anyone anywhere, but the bees couldn't handle it. They got all stressed out about it." The cell phone industry is large, and I'm sure billions would be invested in changing the technology, but what if it wasn't quick enough and we had to give up cell phones for 3 years? 2 years? Could we even make it a year? I don't think it will come to that, but it makes me curious to wonder if we as a society would make that change to save ourselves and I wonder if there would be resistance. And how much resistance. It would literally involve a massive shift in the way our society worked.